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There are 15 eleven-letter words beginning with ICO

ICONICITIESiconicities n. Plural of iconicity.
ICONICITY n. the state of being iconic.
ICONOCLASMSiconoclasms n. Plural of iconoclasm.
ICONOCLASM n. attacking of established beliefs.
ICONOCLASTSiconoclasts n. Plural of iconoclast.
ICONOCLAST n. a breaker or destroyer of images or idols.
ICONOGRAPHYiconography n. A set of specified or traditional symbolic forms associated with the subject or theme of a stylized genre of art.
iconography n. The art of representation by pictures or images; the description or study of portraiture or representation…
iconography n. The study of representative art in general.
ICONOLATERSiconolaters n. Plural of iconolater.
ICONOLATER n. one who worships images.
ICONOLOGIESiconologies n. Plural of iconology.
ICONOLOGY n. a branch of art history dealing with iconic representations.
ICONOLOGISTiconologist n. One who studies iconology.
ICONOLOGIST n. a student of iconology.
ICONOMETERSiconometers n. Plural of iconometer.
ICONOMETER n. an instrument for finding the size of an object by measuring its image.
ICONOSCOPESiconoscopes n. Plural of iconoscope.
ICONOSCOPE n. an early form of electron camera.
ICONOSTASESiconostases n. Plural of iconostasis.
ICONOSTAS n. (Greek) in Eastern churches, a screen separating the sanctuary from the nave, also ICONOSTASIS.
ICONOSTASISiconostasis n. (Eastern Orthodoxy) A wall of icons between the sanctuary and the nave in a church of eastern Christendom.
ICONOSTASIS n. (Greek) in Eastern churches, a screen separating the sanctuary from the nave, also ICONOSTAS.
ICOSAHEDRALicosahedral adj. Of, relating to, or having the shape of an icosahedron.
ICOSAHEDRAL adj. of or having the form of an icosahedron.
ICOSAHEDRONicosahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron with twenty faces.
icosahedron n. (Geometry, specifically) A regular icosahedron: one of the Platonic solids, all of whose faces are regular…
ICOSAHEDRON n. a polyhedron having 20 faces.
ICOSANDRIANicosandrian adj. (Botany) Relating to the class Icosandria; having twenty or more stamens inserted in the calyx.
ICOSANDRIAN adj. belonging to the Icosandria, a class of plants, also ICOSANDROUS.
ICOSANDROUSicosandrous adj. (Botany) Having twenty or more stamens in each perigynous flower.
ICOSANDROUS adj. belonging to the Icosandria, a class of plants, also ICOSANDRIAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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