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There are 9 words beginning with HIPPIE

HIPPIEhippie n. (1950s slang) A teenager who imitated the beatniks.
hippie n. (1960s slang; still widely used in reference to that era) One who chooses not to conform to prevailing…
hippie n. (Modern slang) A person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and has unusually long hair (for males)…
HIPPIERhippier adj. Comparative form of hippy: more hippy.
hippier adj. Comparative form of hippie: more hippie.
HIPPY adj. having big hips.
HIPPIEShippies n. Plural of hippie.
hippies n. Plural of hippy.
HIPPIE n. a nonconformist, also HIPPY.
HIPPIESThippiest adj. Superlative form of hippy: most hippy.
hippiest adj. Superlative form of hippie: most hippie.
HIPPY adj. having big hips.
HIPPIEDOMhippiedom n. The state or quality of being a hippie.
HIPPIEDOM n. the world of the hippie, also HIPPYDOM.
HIPPIEISHhippieish adj. Alternative spelling of hippyish.
HIPPIEISH adj. like a hippie.
HIPPIEDOMSHIPPIEDOM n. the world of the hippie, also HIPPYDOM.
HIPPIENESShippieness n. (Informal) Alternative form of hippiness.
HIPPIENESS n. the state of being a hippie.
HIPPIENESSESHIPPIENESS n. the state of being a hippie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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