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There are 14 words beginning with HELIOS

HELIOShelios n. (Historical) A sunroom or solarium of the Ancient Greeks.
helios n. Plural of helio.
Helios prop.n. (Greek mythology) The god of the Sun; son of Hyperion and Theia, brother of Selene and Eos, father of…
HELIOSEShelioses n. Plural of helios.
helioses n. Plural of heliosis.
HELIOSIS n. exposure to the sun.
HELIOSISheliosis n. Sunstroke.
heliosis n. Sunburn.
heliosis n. Exposure to the sun.
HELIOSTATheliostat n. A device that includes a plane mirror which turns so as to keep reflecting sunlight toward a predetermined…
HELIOSTAT n. an instrument using a mirror to reflect sunlight in a fixed direction, used for studying the sun or signalling messages.
HELIOSCOPEhelioscope n. (Astronomy) An apparatus for viewing the Sun without harming the eye, by means of an optical filter…
HELIOSCOPE n. an instrument for observing the sun without injury to the eyes.
HELIOSTATSheliostats n. Plural of heliostat.
HELIOSTAT n. an instrument using a mirror to reflect sunlight in a fixed direction, used for studying the sun or signalling messages.
HELIOSCOPEShelioscopes n. Plural of helioscope.
HELIOSCOPE n. an instrument for observing the sun without injury to the eyes.
HELIOSCOPIChelioscopic adj. Of or relating to the helioscope.
HELIOSCOPIC adj. related to a helioscope.
HELIOSPHEREheliosphere n. (Astronomy) The region of space where interstellar medium is blown away by solar wind; the boundary…
HELIOSPHERE n. the region in space influenced by the sun or solar wind.
HELIOSTATICHELIOSTATIC adj. relating to a heliostat.
HELIOSPHERESheliospheres n. Plural of heliosphere.
HELIOSPHERE n. the region in space influenced by the sun or solar wind.
HELIOSPHERICheliospheric adj. Of or pertaining to the heliosphere.
HELIOSCIOPHYTEHELIOSCIOPHYTE n. a plant that thrives in sun better than shade.
HELIOSCIOPHYTESHELIOSCIOPHYTE n. a plant that thrives in sun better than shade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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