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There are 14 words beginning with HOMEL

HOMELYhomely adj. Characteristic of, belonging to, or befitting a home; domestic, cozy.
homely adj. (North America) Lacking in beauty or elegance, plain in appearance, physically unattractive.
homely adj. (UK dialectal) On intimate or friendly terms with (someone); familiar; at home (with a person); intimate.
HOMELYNhomelyn n. Raia maculata, the European sand ray.
HOMELYN n. the spotted ray.
HOMELANDhomeland n. The country that one regards as home.
homeland n. One’s country of residence.
homeland n. One’s country of birth.
HOMELESShomeless adj. Lacking a permanent place of residence.
HOMELESS adj. without a home.
HOMELIERhomelier adj. Comparative form of homely: more homely.
HOMELY adj. unattractive.
HOMELIKEhomelike adj. Having the comfortable characteristics of a home.
HOMELIKE adj. like a home.
HOMELILYhomelily adv. In a homely way; plainly; inelegantly.
HOMELY adv. unattractive.
HOMELYNShomelyns n. Plural of homelyn.
HOMELYN n. the spotted ray.
HOMELANDShomelands n. Plural of homeland.
HOMELAND n. one's native land.
HOMELIESThomeliest adj. Superlative form of homely: most homely.
HOMELY adj. unattractive.
HOMELINESShomeliness n. The property of being homely.
homeliness n. The quality associated with home; domesticity.
HOMELINESS n. the state of being homely.
HOMELESSNESShomelessness n. The state of being homeless.
HOMELESSNESS n. the state of being homeless.
HOMELINESSEShomelinesses n. Plural of homeliness.
HOMELINESS n. the state of being homely.
HOMELESSNESSEShomelessnesses n. Plural of homelessness.
HOMELESSNESS n. the state of being homeless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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