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There are 19 words beginning with HESI

HESITANThesitant adj. Tending to hesitate, wait, or proceed with caution or reservation.
HESITANT adj. tending to hold back.
HESITATEhesitate v. (Intransitive) To stop or pause respecting decision or action; to be in suspense or uncertainty as to a determination.
hesitate v. (Intransitive) To stammer; to falter in speaking.
hesitate v. (Transitive, poetic, rare) To utter with hesitation or to intimate by a reluctant manner.
HESITANCEhesitance n. The act or state of hesitating.
HESITANCE n. wavering, doubt, also HESITANCY.
HESITANCYhesitancy n. A pausing or halting before beginning a task, often as a result of some fear or uncertainty about the outcome.
HESITANCY n. wavering, doubt, also HESITANCE.
HESITATEDhesitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of hesitate.
HESITATE v. to hold back or delay.
HESITATERhesitater n. One who hesitates.
HESITATER n. one who hesitates, also HESITATOR.
HESITATEShesitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hesitate.
HESITATE v. to hold back or delay.
HESITATORhesitator n. Alternative spelling of hesitater.
hesitator n. (Linguistics) A word, such as "er" or "um", expressing hesitation on the part of the speaker.
HESITATOR n. one who hesitates, also HESITATER.
HESITANCEShesitances n. Plural of hesitance.
HESITANCE n. wavering, doubt, also HESITANCY.
HESITANTLYhesitantly adv. With hesitation.
hesitantly adv. With reluctance.
HESITANT adv. tending to hold back.
HESITATERShesitaters n. Plural of hesitater.
HESITATER n. one who hesitates, also HESITATOR.
HESITATINGhesitating v. Present participle of hesitate.
hesitating n. Hesitation.
HESITATE v. to hold back or delay.
HESITATIONhesitation n. An act of hesitating.
hesitation n. Doubt; vacillation.
hesitation n. A faltering in speech; stammering.
HESITATIVEhesitative adj. Distinguished by hesitation; hesitating.
HESITATIVE adj. showing, or characterized by, hesitation.
HESITATORShesitators n. Plural of hesitator.
HESITATOR n. one who hesitates, also HESITATER.
HESITATORYhesitatory adj. Hesitating.
HESITATORY adj. hesitating.
HESITANCIEShesitancies n. Plural of hesitancy.
HESITANCY n. wavering, doubt, also HESITANCE.
HESITATIONShesitations n. Plural of hesitation.
HESITATION n. the action of hesitating.
HESITATINGLYhesitatingly adv. In a hesitating manner.
HESITATING adv. HESITATE, to hold back or delay.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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