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There are 11 nine-letter words beginning with HOLO

HOLOCAINEholocaine n. (Pharmacology) Phenacaine.
HOLOCAINE n. a kind of surface anaesthetic for the eye.
HOLOCAUSTholocaust n. (Religion) An offering or sacrifice to a deity that is completely burned to ashes.
holocaust n. (By extension).
holocaust v. (Religion, also figuratively) To sacrifice (chiefly an animal) to be completely burned.
HOLOCRINEholocrine adj. (Anatomy, biology, histology) Of or relating to a mode of secretion in some exocrine glands in which…
HOLOCRINE adj. applied to a gland whose secretion is composed of its own disintegrated cells.
HOLOGRAMSholograms n. Plural of hologram.
HOLOGRAM n. a three-dimensional photograph.
HOLOGRAPHholograph n. (Law, textual criticism) A handwritten document that is solely the work of the person whose signature…
holograph n. A hologram.
holograph v. To record by means of holography.
HOLOGYNICHOLOGYNIC adj. passed down through females.
HOLOHEDRAholohedra n. Plural of holohedron.
HOLOHEDRON n. a geometrical form possessing the property of holohedrism.
HOLOPHOTEholophote n. A lighthouse lamp with lenses or reflectors to collect the rays of light and throw them in a given direction.
HOLOPHOTE n. an apparatus by which all the light from a lighthouse is thrown in the required direction.
HOLOPHYTEholophyte n. (Biology) Any organism that produces its own food through photosynthesis.
HOLOPHYTE n. a plant maintained entirely by its own organs.
HOLOTYPESholotypes n. Plural of holotype.
HOLOTYPE n. the original type specimen of an animal or plant.
HOLOTYPICholotypic adj. Relating to a holotype.
HOLOTYPIC adj. relating to a holotype, an original type specimen used in defining and describing a species or variety.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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