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There are 8 six-letter words beginning with HIPP

HIPPEDhipped adj. Having hips or a feature resembling hips.
hipped adj. Having hips of a specific kind.
hipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of hip.
HIPPENHIPPEN n. a baby's nappy wrapped around the hips, also HIPPIN, HIPPING.
HIPPERhipper n. (Fishing, informal) A hip boot.
hipper adj. Comparative form of hip: more hip.
HIP adj. aware of the latest styles and trends.
HIPPIChippic adj. Relating to horses or horse-riding.
hippic adj. (Humorous, dated) Relating to horse racing.
HIPPIC adj. about horses.
HIPPIEhippie n. (1950s slang) A teenager who imitated the beatniks.
hippie n. (1960s slang; still widely used in reference to that era) One who chooses not to conform to prevailing…
hippie n. (Modern slang) A person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and has unusually long hair (for males)…
HIPPINhippin n. (Northumbria) A napkin for an infant.
hippin n. (Northumbria) Theatre curtain.
hippin n. (Geordie, in the plural) Babies’ nappies.
HIPPOShippos n. Plural of hippo.
HiPPOs n. Plural of HiPPO.
HIPPO n. (short for) a hippopotamus.
HIPPUShippus n. Pupillary athetosis; spasmodic dilation and contraction of the pupil between the sphincter and dilator muscles.
HIPPUS n. (Greek) a clonic spasm of the iris.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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