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There are 14 eleven-letter words beginning with HOLO

HOLOBENTHICholobenthic adj. (Biology) That inhabits the seafloor during all phases of life.
HOLOBENTHIC adj. passing the entire life in the deep ocean.
HOLOBLASTICholoblastic adj. (Biology, of an egg) Cleaving, and separating into separate blastomeres.
HOLOBLASTIC adj. of an entire egg, separated into individual blastomeres.
HOLOCAUSTALholocaustal adj. Of or relating to a holocaust.
HOLOCAUSTAL adj. relating to a holocaust, also HOLOCAUSTIC.
HOLOCAUSTICholocaustic adj. Of or relating to a holocaust.
HOLOCAUSTIC adj. relating to a holocaust, also HOLOCAUSTAL.
HOLOENZYMESholoenzymes n. Plural of holoenzyme.
HOLOENZYME n. an enzyme which has a protein and nonprotein ingredient.
HOLOGRAPHEDholographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of holograph.
HOLOGRAPH v. to write a text in one's own handwriting.
HOLOGRAPHERholographer n. One who creates holograms.
HOLOGRAPHER n. one who makes holographs.
HOLOGRAPHICholographic adj. In the form of a hologram or holograph.
holographic adj. (Uncommon) Handwritten by a single writer.
HOLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to holographs.
HOLOHEDRISMholohedrism n. The property of being holohedral.
HOLOHEDRISM n. the property of having the full number of symmetrically arranged planes crystallographically possible.
HOLOHEDRONSholohedrons n. Plural of holohedron.
HOLOHEDRON n. a geometrical form possessing the property of holohedrism.
HOLOMORPHICholomorphic adj. (Complex analysis, of a complex function) Complex-differentiable on an open set around every point in its domain.
holomorphic adj. Having holohedral symmetry.
HOLOMORPHIC adj. of a function of a complex variable, having a derivative at each point of its domain.
HOLOPHRASESholophrases n. Plural of holophrasis.
HOLOPHRASE n. a single word expressing a sentence or phrase.
HOLOPHYTISMholophytism n. (Biology) The property of being a holophyte.
HOLOPHYTISM n. the property of being holophytic, obtaining food by photosynthesis.
HOLOTHURIANholothurian n. (Zoology) sea cucumber (of the class Holothuroidea).
HOLOTHURIAN n. any member of a class of wormlike unarmoured echinoderms, aka sea cucumbers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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