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There are 12 nine-letter words beginning with HIP

HIPHUGGERhiphugger adj. Descriptive of a type of jeans which are tight around the hip.
HIPHUGGER adj. of trousers, having a low waist.
HIPNESSEShipnesses n. Plural of hipness.
HIPNESS n. the state of being hip.
HIPPARCHShipparchs n. Plural of hipparch.
HIPPARCH n. (Greek) a cavalry commander in ancient Greece.
HIPPIATRYhippiatry n. The branch of veterinary medicine dealing with horses.
HIPPIATRY n. the treatment of diseases of horses.
HIPPIEDOMhippiedom n. The state or quality of being a hippie.
HIPPIEDOM n. the world of the hippie, also HIPPYDOM.
HIPPIEISHhippieish adj. Alternative spelling of hippyish.
HIPPIEISH adj. like a hippie.
HIPPINESShippiness n. (Informal) The quality of being a hippy.
HIPPINESS n. the state of being a hippy.
HIPPOCRAShippocras n. A cordial, made from a spiced wine mixed with sugar and spices, usually including cinnamon, which were…
HIPPOCRAS n. a kind of medieval hot spiced wine.
HIPPODAMEhippodame n. (Obsolete, rare, mythology) A sea horse or hippocampus.
HIPPODAME n. (Spenser) a fabulous sea monster.
HIPPOLOGYhippology n. The study of horses.
HIPPOLOGY n. the study of horses.
HIPPURITEhippurite n. (Paleontology) A fossil bivalve mollusk of the genus Hippuritida, having a conical, cup-shaped undervalve…
HIPPURITE n. a Cretaceous fossil lamellibranch with one conical valve and one flat one.
HIPPYDOMSHIPPYDOM n. the world of the hippy, also HIPPIEDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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