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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 10 eight-letter words beginning with HIR

HIRAGANAhiragana n. (Uncountable) The main syllabary for the Japanese language, used to represent native Japanese words…
hiragana n. A letter of this syllabary.
Hiragana prop.n. Alternative spelling of hiragana.
HIREABLEhireable adj. Alternative spelling of hirable.
HIREABLE adj. available for hire, also HIRABLE.
HIREAGESHIREAGE n. (New Zealand) the fee for hiring something, also HIRAGE.
HIRELINGhireling n. (Usually derogatory) An employee who is hired, often to perform unpleasant tasks with little independence.
hireling n. (Usually derogatory) Someone who does a job purely for money, rather than out of interest in the work itself.
hireling n. A horse for hire.
HIRLINGShirlings n. Plural of hirling.
HIRLING n. a young seatrout, a finnock, also HERLING.
HIRPLINGhirpling v. Present participle of hirple.
HIRPLE v. (Scots) to walk lamely.
HIRRIENThirrient adj. (Phonology) Having a strongly trilled sound, like that of a cat purring.
HIRRIENT n. a roughly trilled sound.
HIRSELEDHIRSEL v. (Scots) to herd sheep.
HIRSLINGHIRSLE v. (Scots) to slide along.
HIRUDINShirudins n. Plural of hirudin.
HIRUDIN n. a substance present in the salivary glands of leeches, used as an anticoagulant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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