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There are 10 eight-letter words beginning with HEC

HECATOMBhecatomb n. (Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome) A great feast and public sacrifice to the gods, originally of a hundred oxen.
hecatomb n. (By extension) Any great sacrifice; a great number of people, animals or things, especially as sacrificed…
HECATOMB n. a great public sacrifice.
HECHTINGHECHT v. (Scots) to command, also HIGHT, HETE.
HECKLERShecklers n. Plural of heckler.
Hecklers prop.n. Plural of Heckler.
HECKLER n. one that heckles.
HECKLINGheckling v. Present participle of heckle.
heckling n. The act of one who heckles.
heckling n. The preparation of flax for spinning using special combs called hackles.
HECTAREShectares n. Plural of hectare.
HECTARE n. a measure of area, 100 ares or 10000 square metres, also HEKTARE.
HECTICALhectical adj. (Archaic) hectic.
HECTICAL adj. hectic, flushed.
HECTICLYhecticly adv. Alternative form of hectically.
HECTIC adv. habitual, esp. in wasting diseases, feverish.
HECTOREDhectored v. Simple past tense of hector.
hectored v. Past participle of hector.
HECTOR v. to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure.
HECTORERhectorer n. One who hectors or bullies.
HECTORER n. one who hectors.
HECTORLYhectorly adj. Resembling a hector; blustering; insolent; taunting.
HECTORLY adj. blustering, insolent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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