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There are 14 ten-letter words beginning with HAM

HAMADRYADShamadryads n. Plural of hamadryad.
HAMADRYAD n. (Greek) a wood nymph associated with one particular tree; a king cobra.
HAMANTASCHhamantasch n. Singular of hamantaschen.
HAMANTASCH n. (Yiddish) a three-cornered pastry traditionally eaten during the Jewish festival Purim.
HAMBURGERShamburgers n. Plural of hamburger.
Hamburgers n. Plural of Hamburger.
HAMBURGER n. (German) a patty of ground beef, also HAMBURG.
HAMESUCKENhamesucken n. (Scotland) An assault on a person in his own home, having broken in for that purpose.
HAMESUCKEN n. (Scots) the assaulting of a man in his own house.
HAMFATTERShamfatters n. Plural of hamfatter.
HAMFATTER v. to perform as a third-rate minstrel.
HAMMERBEAMhammerbeam n. Alternative form of hammer beam.
hammer␣beam n. (Architecture) A member of a kind of roof truss (a hammer-beam truss), so framed as not to have a tiebeam…
HAMMERHEADhammerhead n. The portion of a hammer containing the metal striking face (also including the claw or peen if so equipped).
hammerhead n. (Zoology) Any of various sharks of the genera Sphyrna or Zygaena having the eyes set on projections…
hammerhead n. (Zoology) A fresh-water fish; the hogsucker, Hypentelium nigricans, in the sucker family Catostomidae.
HAMMERINGShammerings n. Plural of hammering.
HAMMERING n. the act of striking with a hammer.
HAMMERKOPShammerkops n. Plural of hammerkop.
HAMMERKOP n. (South African) a bird of the heron family.
HAMMERLESShammerless adj. Without a hammer.
hammerless adj. Not requiring the use of a hammer.
hammerless adj. (Firearms) Without a visible hammer; said of a gun having a cock or striker concealed from sight, and…
HAMMERLOCKhammerlock n. A hold, in wrestling, in which an opponent’s arm is twisted up behind his back; an armlock.
HAMMERLOCK n. a wrestling hold.
HAMMERTOEShammertoes n. Plural of hammertoe.
hammer␣toes n. Plural of hammer toe.
HAMMERTOE n. a deformity of the toes.
HAMSHACKLEhamshackle v. (Transitive) To tie (an animal) by a rope binding the head to one of the forelegs.
hamshackle v. (Transitive, figurative) To bind or restrain; to impose restrictions upon.
HAMSHACKLE v. to fetter; to restrain.
HAMSTRINGShamstrings n. Plural of hamstring.
hamstrings v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hamstring.
HAMSTRING v. to disable by severing the hamstrings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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