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There are 7 words beginning with GERUN

GERUNDgerund n. (Grammar) A verbal form that functions as a verbal noun. (In English, a gerund has the same spelling…
gerund n. (Grammar) In some languages such as Dutch, Italian or Russian, a verbal form similar to a present participle…
GERUND n. a verbal form such as 'cooking' that functions as a noun.
GERUNDIALgerundial adj. Pertaining to or behaving like a gerund.
GERUNDIAL adj. relating to a gerundive, also GERUNDIVAL.
GERUNDIVALgerundival adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to the gerundive form of a word.
GERUNDIVAL adj. relating to a gerundive, also GERUNDIAL.
GERUNDIVEgerundive n. (In Latin grammar) a verbal adjective that describes obligation or necessity, equivalent in form to…
gerundive n. (Less commonly, in English grammar) a verbal adjective ending in -ing , also called a "present participle".
gerundive adj. Gerundial.
GERUNDIVELYgerundively adv. In the manner of a gerund; as, or in place of, a gerund.
GERUNDIVE adv. relating to a gerund.
GERUNDIVESgerundives n. Plural of gerundive.
GERUNDIVE n. a Latin verbal adjective expressing necessity.
GERUNDSgerunds n. Plural of gerund.
GERUND n. a verbal form such as 'cooking' that functions as a noun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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