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There are 16 eleven-letter words beginning with GRAND

GRANDADDIESgrandaddies n. Plural of grandaddy.
GRANDADDY n. (colloquial) grandfather, also GRANDDADDY.
GRANDBABIESgrandbabies n. Plural of grandbaby.
GRANDBABY n. an infant grandchild.
GRANDEESHIPgrandeeship n. The rank or estate of a grandee; lordship.
GRANDEESHIP n. the state of being a grandee.
GRANDFATHERgrandfather n. A father of someone’s parent.
grandfather n. (By extension) A male forefather.
grandfather n. (Computing) The archived older version of a file that immediately preceded the father file.
GRANDIFLORAgrandiflora n. A rose of the Grandiflora class of roses created in the middle of the 20th century as backcrosses of…
GRANDIFLORA n. (Latin) a large-flowered plant.
GRANDIOSELYgrandiosely adv. In a grandiose manner.
GRANDIOSE adv. imposing; bombastic.
GRANDIOSITYgrandiosity n. The state of being grandiose (pompous or pretentious).
GRANDIOSITY n. the state of being grandiose.
GRANDMAMMASgrandmammas n. Plural of grandmamma.
GRANDMAMMA n. a grandmother.
GRANDMASTERgrandmaster n. Alternative spelling of Grandmaster.
grandmaster n. A master in a field, whose skills or accomplishments exceed those of other masters.
Grandmaster n. (Chess) A player of the highest rank, as determined by FIDE, with an Elo rating of at least 2500.
GRANDMOTHERgrandmother n. A mother of someone’s parent.
grandmother n. A female ancestor or progenitor.
grand-mother n. Obsolete form of grandmother.
GRANDNEPHEWgrandnephew n. A grandson of one’s sibling; a son of one’s nephew or niece. (Brother’s grandson: fraternal grandnephew…
GRANDNEPHEW n. a grandson of one's brother or sister.
GRANDNESSESgrandnesses n. Plural of grandness.
GRANDNESS n. the state of being grand.
GRANDNIECESgrandnieces n. Plural of grandniece.
GRANDNIECE n. the granddaughter of one's brother or sister.
GRANDPARENTgrandparent n. The parent of someone’s parent.
grandparent v. Synonym of grandfather.
grand-parent v. Alternative form of grandparent.
GRANDSTANDSgrandstands n. Plural of grandstand.
grandstands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grandstand.
GRANDSTAND v. to show off.
GRANDUNCLESgranduncles n. Plural of granduncle.
grand-uncles n. Plural of grand-uncle.
grand␣uncles n. Plural of grand uncle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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