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There are 9 words beginning with GREM

GREMIALgremial adj. Of or pertaining to the lap.
gremial n. A decorated cloth placed on a bishop’s lap whilst celebrating mass or ordaining priests.
gremial n. (Obsolete) A bosom friend.
GREMIALSgremials n. Plural of gremial.
GREMIAL n. a cloth laid on a bishop's knees to keep his vestments clean from oil at ordination.
GREMLINgremlin n. (Originally Britain, aviation, Royal Air Force slang).
gremlin n. (By extension).
GREMLIN n. a goblin accused of vexing airmen, causing mischief and mechanical trouble to aircraft.
GREMLINSgremlins n. Plural of gremlin.
GREMLIN n. a goblin accused of vexing airmen, causing mischief and mechanical trouble to aircraft.
GREMMIEgremmie n. (Surfing, slang) Alternative form of gremmy (“a young surfer”).
GREMMIE n. an inexperienced surfer, also GREMMY.
GREMMIESgremmies n. Plural of gremmie.
gremmies n. Plural of gremmy.
GREMMIE n. an inexperienced surfer, also GREMMY.
GREMMYgremmy n. (Surfing, slang) Synonym of gremlin (“a young surfer”).
GREMMY n. an inexperienced surfer, also GREMMIE.
GREMOLATAgremolata n. A paste of capers, parsley, lemon zest, olives and olive oil served as an accompaniment to meat or fish.
GREMOLATA n. (Italian) a colourful, flavorsome garnish, as of chopped parsley, lemon or orange peel etc.
GREMOLATASgremolatas n. Plural of gremolata.
GREMOLATA n. (Italian) a colourful, flavorsome garnish, as of chopped parsley, lemon or orange peel etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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