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There are 6 eight-letter words beginning with GRAF

GRAFFINGgraffing v. Present participle of graff.
GRAFF v. to unite with a growing plant by insertion, also GRAFT.
GRAFFITIgraffiti n. (Chiefly uncountable) Drawings or words drawn on a surface in a public place, usually made without authorization.
graffiti n. (Archaeology, countable) Informal inscriptions, figure drawings, etc., as opposed to official inscriptions.
graffiti v. (Transitive) To mark a surface with such images.
GRAFFITOgraffito n. (Archaeology and related fields) An informal inscription, as by a worker or vandal.
graffito n. (Rare) A single instance of graffiti in the art/vandalism sense.
GRAFFITO n. (Italian) a scribble on a wall.
GRAFTAGEgraftage n. The science of grafting, including the various methods of practice and details of operation.
GRAFTAGE n. the process of grafting.
GRAFTERSgrafters n. Plural of grafter.
GRAFTER n. one who grafts.
GRAFTINGgrafting v. Present participle of graft.
grafting n. (Horticulture) The act, art, or process of inserting grafts.
grafting n. (Nautical) The act or method of weaving a cover for a ring, rope end, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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