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There are 9 seven-letter words beginning with GOLD

GOLDARNgoldarn adj. (US, euphemistic) goddamn.
goldarn interj. (US, euphemistic) goddamn.
GOLDARN v. (colloquial) to damn, also GOLDURN.
GOLDBUGgoldbug n. Alternative form of gold bug.
gold␣bug n. (Informal, finance) A person with a particularly great enthusiasm for investing in gold (the metal).
gold␣bug n. (Informal, economics) A person who is opposed to fiat currency and supports a return to the gold standard.
GOLDENSgoldens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of golden.
goldens n. Plural of golden.
Goldens prop.n. Plural of Golden.
GOLDESTgoldest adj. Superlative form of gold: most gold.
GOLD adj. of the colour of gold.
GOLDEYEgoldeye n. A North American freshwater fish of the mooneye family, Hiodon alosoides, usually eaten smoked.
GOLDEYE n. a freshwater fish.
GOLDIERgoldier adj. Comparative form of goldy: more goldy.
GOLDY adj. somewhat like gold.
GOLDIESgoldies n. Plural of goldie.
GOLDY n. a goldfinch.
GOLDISHgoldish adj. Somewhat gold#Adjective in colour.
GOLDISH adj. somewhat gold.
GOLDURNgoldurn adj. (US, euphemistic) Goddamn.
goldurn adv. (US, euphemistic) Goddamn.
goldurn interj. (US, euphemistic) Goddamn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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