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There are 15 seven-letter words beginning with GAMB

GAMBADEgambade n. (Scotland or obsolete) The leap of a horse.
gambade n. (Scotland or obsolete) A prank or frolic.
GAMBADE n. (French) a leap made by a horse, also GAMBADO.
GAMBADOgambado n. (Usually in the plural) Either of a pair of protective leather gaiters on a saddle.
gambado n. (In the plural) gamashes; spatterdashes.
gambado n. A gambade (leaping movement).
GAMBETSgambets n. Plural of gambet.
GAMBET n. (Italian) a red-legged wading bird, the redshank, also GAMBETTA.
GAMBIASGAMBIA n. (Malay) the inspissated juice of a plant growing in Malacca, used for tanning and dyeing, also GAMBIER, GAMBIR.
GAMBIERgambier n. A flowering plant, Uncaria gambir, family Rubiaceae, native to Southeast Asia.
gambier n. An astringent substance prepared from the leaves of the plant, used in tanning and dyeing.
GAMBIER n. (Malay) the inspissated juice of a plant growing in Malacca, used for tanning and dyeing, also GAMBIA, GAMBIR.
GAMBIRSGAMBIR n. (Malay) the inspissated juice of a plant growing in Malacca, used for tanning and dyeing, also GAMBIA, GAMBIER.
GAMBISTgambist n. (Music) Someone who plays the viola da gamba.
GAMBIST n. a performer upon the viola di gamba.
GAMBITSgambits n. Plural of gambit.
GAMBIT v. to sacrifice in order to gain.
GAMBLEDgambled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gamble.
GAMBLE v. to play a game of chance.
GAMBLERgambler n. One who plays at a game of chance, who gambles.
gambler n. One who takes significant risks.
GAMBLER n. one that gambles.
GAMBLESgambles n. Plural of gamble.
gambles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gamble.
Gambles prop.n. Plural of Gamble.
GAMBOESGAMBO n. (Welsh) a simple farm cart or hay-wagon.
GAMBOGEgamboge n. One of several species of trees of the genus Garcinia found in South and Southeastern Asia, especially…
gamboge n. The resin of the gamboge tree; a preparation of the resin used as a pigment or for medicinal purposes.
gamboge n. A deep yellow colour.
GAMBOLSgambols n. Plural of gambol.
GAMBOL v. to leap about playfully.
GAMBRELgambrel n. The hind leg of a horse.
gambrel n. (Chiefly historical and obsolete outside dialects) A bar, usually metal, with a central loop and a hook…
gambrel n. (US, architecture) A gambrel roof.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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