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There are 9 fourteen-letter words beginning with GENE

GENEALOGICALLYgenealogically adv. Using genealogical methods.
genealogically adv. From a genealogical perspective.
genealogically adv. (Linguistics) Genetically (by being members of the same linguistic family).
GENERALISATIONgeneralisation n. The formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties.
generalisation n. Inductive reasoning from detailed facts to general principles.
GENERALISATION n. the process of generalising, also GENERALIZATION.
GENERALISSIMOSgeneralissimos n. Plural of generalissimo.
GENERALISSIMO n. the chief commander of an army.
GENERALIZATIONgeneralization n. An act or instance of generalizing; concluding that something true of a subclass is true of the entire class.
generalization n. The formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties.
generalization n. Inductive reasoning from detailed facts to general principles.
GENERATIONALLYgenerationally adv. With regard to the generations.
GENERATIONAL adv. relating to generation.
GENERATIONISMSGENERATIONISM n. the theory that the soul is transmitted to a child in the act of generation or concomitantly with its body.
GENEROUSNESSESGENEROUSNESS n. the state of being generous.
GENETHLIACALLYGENETHLIACAL adv. (obsolete) pertaining to nativities; showing position of stars at one's birth.
GENETHLIALOGICgenethlialogic adj. Relating to genethlialogy.
GENETHLIALOGIC adj. related to the casting of horoscopes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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