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There are 18 ten-letter words beginning with GENT

GENTAMICINgentamicin n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic mixture, derived from an actinomycete…
GENTAMICIN n. a broad-spectrum antibiotic derived from an actinomycete.
GENTEELESTgenteelest adj. Superlative form of genteel: most genteel.
GENTEEL adj. well-bred or refined.
GENTEELISEGENTEELISE v. to make genteel or falsely refined, also GENTEELIZE.
GENTEELISHgenteelish adj. Somewhat genteel.
GENTEELISH adj. somewhat genteel.
GENTEELISMgenteelism n. Genteel behaviour.
genteelism n. (Countable) A nicer word used instead of a vulgar or distasteful word.
GENTEELISM n. being genteel.
GENTEELIZEgenteelize v. (Transitive) To make genteel.
GENTEELIZE v. to make genteel or falsely refined, also GENTEELISE.
GENTILESSEgentilesse n. (Literary) Courtesy, refinement; gentleness.
GENTILESSE n. (obsolete) gentleness, courtesy.
GENTILISEDgentilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of gentilise.
GENTILISE v. (archaic) to raise to the class of gentleman.
GENTILISESgentilises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gentilise.
GENTILISE v. (archaic) to raise to the class of gentleman.
GENTILISMSgentilisms n. Plural of gentilism.
GENTILISM n. paganism, the quality of being a gentile.
GENTILIZEDgentilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of gentilize.
GENTILIZE v. (archaic) to raise to the class of gentleman, also GENTILISE.
GENTILIZESgentilizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gentilize.
GENTILIZE v. (archaic) to raise to the class of gentleman, also GENTILISE.
GENTLEFOLKgentlefolk n. (Archaic) People of superior social position.
GENTLEFOLK n. persons of gentle or good family and breeding.
GENTLEHOODgentlehood n. The state of being of good or gentle birth; good breeding.
GENTLEHOOD n. (archaic) position or character attaching to gentle birth.
GENTLENESSgentleness n. The state of being gentle.
GENTLENESS n. the state of being gentle, also GENTLENESSE.
GENTRIFIEDgentrified v. Simple past tense and past participle of gentrify.
GENTRIFY v. to renew an area to attract middle-class residents.
GENTRIFIERgentrifier n. An agent of gentrification.
GENTRIFIER n. one who gentrifies.
GENTRIFIESgentrifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gentrify.
GENTRIFY v. to renew an area to attract middle-class residents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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