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There are 11 eight-letter words beginning with GIG

GIGABITSgigabits n. Plural of gigabit.
GIGABIT n. a unit of information, a thousand million bits.
GIGABYTEgigabyte n. (SI) 109, one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes. SI symbol: GB.
gigabyte n. (Computing) A gibibyte or 10243 (1,073,741,824) bytes.
GIGABYTE n. a unit of information, a thousand million bytes.
GIGAFLOPgigaflop n. (Computing) A unit of measure for the calculating speed of a computer equal to one billion (109) floating…
GIGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed (a billion floating point operations per second).
GIGANTICgigantic adj. Very large.
gigantic adj. In the manner of a giant.
GIGANTIC adj. huge, also GIGANTEAN.
GIGATONSgigatons n. Plural of gigaton.
GIGATON n. a unit of weight, a thousand million tons.
GIGAVOLTgigavolt n. One billion (109) volts. Symbol: GV.
giga-volt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) volts. Symbol: GV.
GIGAVOLT n. a billion volts.
GIGAWATTgigawatt n. One thousand million (109) watts, abbreviated as GW.
giga-watt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) watts, abbreviated as GW.
GIGAWATT n. a unit of power, a thousand million watts.
GIGGITEDgiggited v. Simple past tense and past participle of giggit.
GIGGIT v. (US archaic) to convey or move rapidly.
GIGGLERSgigglers n. Plural of giggler.
GIGGLER n. one who giggles.
GIGGLIERgigglier adj. Comparative form of giggly: more giggly.
GIGGLY adj. tending to giggle.
GIGGLINGgiggling v. Present participle of giggle.
giggling n. The act of producing giggles; high-pitched laughter.
GIGGLING n. the act of laughing in a silly manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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