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There are 20 seven-letter words beginning with GUI

GUICHETguichet n. A small hatch or grill.
GUICHET n. (French) a ticket window or similar small opening.
GUIDAGEguidage n. The fee paid to a guide.
guidage n. (Obsolete) guidance; lead; direction.
GUIDAGE n. (obsolete) the reward given to a guide for services.
GUIDERSguiders n. Plural of guider.
Guiders prop.n. Plural of Guider.
GUIDER n. a member of the Girl Guide movement.
GUIDINGguiding v. Present participle of guide.
guiding n. Guidance.
guiding n. Girl Guiding.
GUIDONSguidons n. Plural of guidon.
GUIDON n. (French) a small flag.
GUILDERguilder n. The former currency unit in the Netherlands, divided into 100 cents.
guilder n. The former currency unit in Suriname, divided into 100 cents.
guilder n. The current currency unit in the islands in the former Netherlands Antilles, divided into 100 cents.
GUILDRYguildry n. (Scotland) A guild or its members.
GUILDRY n. (Scots) membership of a guild.
GUILERSguilers n. Plural of guiler.
GUILER n. (Spenser) a deceiver, also GUYLER.
GUILINGguiling v. Present participle of guile.
GUILE v. to beguile, also GUYLE.
GUILTEDguilted v. Simple past tense and past participle of guilt.
GUILT v. to cause someone to feel guilty.
GUIMPEDGUIMP v. to trim with yarn, also GIMP, GYMP.
GUIMPESguimpes n. Plural of guimpe.
GUIMPE n. (French) a wide cloth covering neck and shoulders worn by nuns.
GUINEASguineas n. Plural of guinea.
GUINEA n. a former British coin, one pound and one shilling.
GUINEPSguineps n. Plural of guinep.
GUINEP n. (Tupi) a tropical American tree; its orange-like fruit, also GENIP, GENIPAP, GENIPAPO.
GUIPUREguipure n. A kind of bobbin lace that connects the motifs with bars or plaits rather than net or mesh.
GUIPURE n. (French) a kind of lace having no ground or mesh.
GUISARDguisard n. (Archaic) guiser, mummer.
GUISARD n. a person in disguise; a masker; a mummer, also GUISER, GUIZER.
GUISERSguisers n. Plural of guiser.
GUISER n. a person in disguise; a masker; a mummer, also GUISARD, GUIZER.
GUISINGguising v. Present participle of guise.
guising n. (Historical) A festival at which people disguised themselves in costumes and often played pranks.
GUISING n. (Scots) a survival of mumming, where children dress up and go from house to house.
GUITARSguitars n. Plural of guitar.
guitars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of guitar.
GUITAR n. a fretted musical instrument, usually six-stringed with a waisted body and a flat back.
GUIZERSguizers n. Plural of guizer.
GUIZER n. a person in disguise, also GUISER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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