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There are 12 seven-letter words beginning with GEM

GEMCLIPgem␣clip n. A small, folded, wire or plastic device used to hold sheets of paper together.
GEMCLIP n. (tradename) in South Africa, a paper clip.
GEMFISHgemfish n. A bottom-dwelling fish of the family Gempylidae, inhabiting deep waters off southern Australia.
GEMFISH n. an American marine food fish of the Atlantic coast, aka kingfish.
GEMINALgeminal adj. (Chemistry) Describing identical atoms or groups attached to the same atom in a molecule.
GEMINAL adj. having two matching substituted groups on the same atom.
GEMLIKEgemlike adj. Resembling a gem; thus, often brilliant and compact.
GEMLIKE adj. resembling a gem.
GEMMATEgemmate adj. (Botany) Having buds; reproducing by buds.
gemmate v. To deck with gems.
GEMMATE v. to reproduce by gemmae.
GEMMERYgemmery n. (Obsolete) A cabinet in which jewels are stored.
gemmery n. The art of workmanship with gems.
GEMMERY n. gems generally.
GEMMIERgemmier adj. Comparative form of gemmy: more gemmy.
GEMMY adj. resembling a gem.
GEMMILYgemmily adv. In a gemmy manner.
GEMMY adv. resembling a gem.
GEMMINGgemming v. Present participle of gem.
GEM v. to adorn with gems.
GEMMULEgemmule n. (Biology).
gemmule n. (Botany) Synonym of plumule (“the first bud, or growing point, of a plant embryo, situated above the cotyledons”).
gemmule n. (Neurology) Synonym of dendritic spine (“a small membranous protrusion from the dendrite of a neuron…
GEMOTESgemotes n. Plural of gemote.
GEMOTE n. (Old English) an Anglo-Saxon legislative assembly, also GEMOT.
GEMSBOKgemsbok n. A large African antelope (Oryx gazella).
GEMSBOK n. (South African) a kind of antelope, having long, sharp, nearly straight horns, also GEMSBUCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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