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There are 16 seven-letter words beginning with GAB

GABBARDgabbard n. Alternative form of gabbart.
Gabbard prop.n. A surname.
GABBARD n. (Scots) a kind of barge, also GABBART.
GABBARTgabbart n. (Nautical) A lighter or barge; a small one-masted sailing or coasting vessel designed for inland navigation.
GABBART n. (Scots) a kind of barge, also GABBARD.
GABBERSgabbers n. Plural of gabber.
GABBER n. a chatterbox.
GABBIERgabbier adj. Comparative form of gabby: more gabby.
GABBY adj. talkative.
GABBINGgabbing v. Present participle of gab.
GAB v. to chatter.
GABBLEDgabbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gabble.
GABBLE v. to chatter or talk inarticulately.
GABBLERgabbler n. One who gabbles, or prates loquaciously on a trifling subject.
GABBLER n. one who gabbles.
GABBLESgabbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gabble.
GABBLE v. to chatter or talk inarticulately.
GABBROSgabbros n. Plural of gabbro.
GABBRO n. (Italian) a coarsely crystalline igneous rock.
GABELLEgabelle n. A tax; especially, the tax on salt levied in pre-Revolutionary France.
GABELLE n. (French) a tax on salt.
GABFESTgabfest n. (Slang, chiefly US) An occasion (such as a meeting) where people talk at length.
GABFEST n. (slang) a gathering characterised by much talk and gossip.
GABIONSgabions n. Plural of gabion.
GABION n. (French) a basket of earth or stones used for fortification.
GABLETSgablets n. Plural of gablet.
GABLET n. a small gable.
GABLINGgabling n. (Architecture) Gables collectively.
GABLE v. to form a gable (a triangular section of wall).
GABNASHGABNASH n. (Scots) chatter, prattle, also NASHGAB.
GABOONSgaboons n. Alternative form of goboons; plural of gaboon.
Gaboons n. Plural of Gaboon.
GABOON n. a West African hardwood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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