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There are 17 six-letter words beginning with GLU

GLUCANglucan n. (Biochemistry) Any polysaccharide that is a polymer of glucose.
GLUCAN n. a polymer of glucose.
GLUERSgluers n. Plural of gluer.
GLUER n. one who glues.
GLUIERgluier adj. Comparative form of gluey: more gluey.
GLUEY adj. resembling glue.
GLUILYgluily adv. In a gluey manner.
GLUEY adv. resembling glue.
GLUINGgluing v. Present participle of glue.
gluing n. The act of attaching something with glue.
gluing n. (Topology) A connection between the edges of two planes, or between the points at the ends of two lines.
GLUISHgluish adj. Somewhat gluey.
GLUISH adj. (obsolete) somewhat gluey, also GLUEISH.
GLUMESglumes n. Plural of glume.
GLUME n. an outer sterile bract enclosing the spikelet in grasses.
GLUMLYglumly adv. In a glum manner.
GLUM adv. low in spirits.
GLUMPSglumps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of glump.
glumps n. A state of sulking; sullen mood.
GLUMPS n. the sulks.
GLUMPYglumpy adj. (Colloquial, archaic) glum; sullen; sulky.
GLUMPY adj. (dialect) sulky.
GLUNCHGLUNCH v. to frown.
GLUONSgluons n. Plural of gluon.
GLUON n. the name given to a hypothetical particle thought of as passing between quarks and so signifying the force that holds them together.
GLURGEglurge n. (Slang) oversentimental stories with a moral, often with hidden negative undertones.
GLURGE n. supposedly factual stories sent by email, often mawkish and fabricated.
GLUTCHglutch v. (Britain, dialect) To swallow.
glutch n. (Britain, dialect) A mouthful.
GLUTCH v. to gulp or swallow.
GLUTEIglutei n. Plural of gluteus.
GLUTEUS n. (Greek) a buttock muscle, also GLUTAEUS.
GLUTENgluten n. (Obsolete) Fibrin (formerly considered as one of the "animal humours").
gluten n. (Rare) Any gluey, sticky substance.
gluten n. (Cooking, biochemistry) The major protein in cereal grains, especially wheat; responsible for the elasticity…
GLUTESglutes n. Plural of glute.
GLUTE n. any of the three large muscles of the buttocks, also GLUTAEUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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