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There are 11 six-letter words beginning with GIG

GIGGEDgigged v. Simple past tense and past participle of gig.
GIG v. to catch fish with a pronged spear.
GIGGITgiggit v. (US, transitive, intransitive) To convey or move rapidly.
GIGGIT v. (US archaic) to convey or move rapidly.
GIGGLEgiggle v. To laugh gently in a playful, nervous, or affected manner.
giggle n. A high-pitched, silly laugh.
giggle n. (Informal) Fun; an amusing episode.
GIGGLYgiggly adj. Prone to giggling.
GIGGLY adj. tending to giggle.
GIGLETgiglet n. Alternative form of giglot.
GIGLET n. (obsolete) a giddy girl, a wanton, also GIGLOT, GILLET, JILLET.
GIGLOTgiglot n. (Obsolete) A strumpet; a wanton girl.
giglot adj. (Obsolete) giddy; inconstant; wanton.
GIGLOT n. (obsolete) a giddy girl, a wanton, also GIGLET, GILLET, JILLET.
GIGMANgigman n. One who operates a gig (a kind of carriage).
gigman n. (Dated) One who exhibits gigmanity; a person with petty pride in his or her status.
GIGMAN n. a gig driver.
GIGMENgigmen n. Plural of gigman.
GIGMAN n. a gig driver.
GIGOLOgigolo n. A man who has a sexual relationship with a woman from whom he receives payment.
gigolo n. A hired escort or dancing partner for a woman.
GIGOLO n. (French) a man supported financially by a woman.
GIGOTSgigots n. Plural of gigot.
GIGOT n. (French) a leg of lamb, also JIGOT.
GIGUESgigues n. Plural of gigue.
GIGUE n. (French) a lively Baroque dance in triple time, also GIGA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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