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There are 5 four-letter words beginning with GEN

GENAgena n. (Zoology) The cheek; the feathered side of the under mandible of a bird.
gena n. (Entomology) The part of the head to which the jaws of an insect are attached.
gena n. (Entomology) The part of the head below the compound eyes of Diptera, or an analagous part of the head…
GENEgene n. (Genetics) A theoretical unit of heredity of living organisms; a gene may take several values and in…
gene n. (Molecular biology) A segment of DNA or RNA from a cell’s or an organism’s genome, that may take several…
Gene prop.n. A diminutive of Eugene, also used as a formal male given name.
GENSgens n. (Ancient Rome, historical) A legally defined unit of Roman society, being a collection of people related…
gens n. (Anthropology) A tribal subgroup whose members are characterized by having the same descent, usually…
gens n. (Zoology) A host-specific lineage of a brood parasite species.[W].
GENTgent n. (Colloquial) A gentleman.
gent adj. (Obsolete) Noble; well-bred, courteous; graceful.
gent adj. (Obsolete) neat; pretty; elegant.
GENUgenu n. (Anatomy, zootomy) The knee.
GENU n. (Latin) the knee.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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