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There are 18 ten-letter words beginning with GLI

GLIBNESSESglibnesses n. Plural of glibness.
GLIBNESS n. the quality of being glib.
GLIDEPATHSglidepaths n. Plural of glidepath.
glide␣paths n. Plural of glide path.
GLIDEPATH n. the path followed by an aircraft coming in to land.
GLIDESLOPEglideslope n. (Aviation) The portion of an instrument landing system which provides vertical guidance to an aircraft…
glideslope n. (Aviation) The approach path of an aircraft as it comes in to land.
glide␣slope n. Alternative form of glideslope.
GLIMMERINGglimmering v. Present participle of glimmer.
glimmering n. A glimmer.
GLIMMERING adj. shining faintly.
GLIOMATOUSgliomatous adj. Affected with, or of the nature of, glioma.
GLIOMATOUS adj. relating to a glioma, a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain.
GLISSADERSglissaders n. Plural of glissader.
GLISSADER n. one who glissades.
GLISSADINGglissading v. Present participle of glissade.
GLISSADE v. (French) to perform a gliding dance step.
GLISSANDOSglissandos n. Plural of glissando; glissandi.
GLISSANDO n. (Italian) a gliding effect.
GLISTENINGglistening v. Present participle of glisten.
glistening n. The appearance of something that glistens.
glistening n. (Optics) A fluid-filled microvacuole within a lens.
GLISTERINGglistering adj. Glistening, glittering, gleaming, shining.
glistering v. Present participle of glister.
GLISTER v. (archaic) to be bright; to sparkle.
GLITCHIESTglitchiest adj. Superlative form of glitchy: most glitchy.
GLITCHY adj. characterised by glitches.
GLITCHLESSglitchless adj. Free from glitches.
GLITTERANDglitterand adj. Obsolete form of glittering.
GLITTERAND adj. (Spenser) glittering.
GLITTERATIglitterati n. Celebrities or people with a lot of money; the smart set.
GLITTERATI n. the society lions of the day.
GLITTERIERglitterier adj. Comparative form of glittery: more glittery.
GLITTERY adj. glittering.
GLITTERINGglittering v. Present participle of glitter.
glittering adj. Brightly sparkling.
glittering adj. (Figuratively) Valuable, desirable.
GLITZINESSglitziness n. The quality of being glitzy.
GLITZINESS n. the quality of being glitzy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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