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There are 14 nine-letter words beginning with GN

GNARLIESTgnarliest adj. Superlative form of gnarly: most gnarly.
GNARLY adj. gnarled.
GNASHINGSgnashings n. Plural of gnashing.
GNASHING n. the act of grinding the teeth together.
GNATHIONSGNATHION n. (Greek) the tip of the chin.
GNATHITESgnathites n. Plural of gnathite.
GNATHITE n. a jawlike appendage of an insect.
GNATHONICgnathonic adj. (Obsolete) Deceitful; flattering.
GNATHONIC adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONICAL.
GNATLINGSgnatlings n. Plural of gnatling.
GNATLING n. a little gnat.
GNATTIESTGNATTY adj. infested with gnats.
GNATWRENSgnatwrens n. Plural of gnatwren.
GNATWREN n. any of various species of small bird of the gnatcatcher family.
GNAWINGLYgnawingly adv. In a manner that chafes or worries.
GNAWING adv. of a pain, eating away.
GNEISSOIDgneissoid adj. (Geology) Having a structure similar to that of gneiss, or intermediate between that of gneiss and mica or granite.
gneissoid n. (Geology) A metamorphic rock having the composition of a laminated granite.
GNEISSOID adj. like gneiss.
GNEISSOSEgneissose adj. (Geology) Having properties similar to gneiss.
GNEISSOSE adj. having the structure of gneiss.
GNOMELIKEgnomelike adj. Resembling a gnome.
GNOMELIKE adj. like a gnome.
GNOMONICSgnomonics n. The science, art and craft of designing and constructing sundials.
GNOMONICS n. the science of making sundials.
GNOSTICALgnostical adj. Synonym of gnostic.
GNOSTICAL adj. having knowledge, also GNOSTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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