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There are 13 words beginning with FRICA

FRICADELfricadel n. Alternative form of frikadelle.
FRICADEL n. (South African) a fried ball of mincemeat, also FRIKKADEL.
FRICADELSfricadels n. Plural of fricadel.
FRICADEL n. (South African) a fried ball of mincemeat, also FRIKKADEL.
FRICANDEAUfricandeau n. Thinly sliced meat, especially veal, fried or stewed with a sauce; a fricassee.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
FRICANDEAUSfricandeaus n. Plural of fricandeau.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
FRICANDEAUXfricandeaux n. Plural of fricandeau.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
FRICANDOfricando n. Archaic form of fricandeau.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
FRICANDOESfricandoes n. Plural of fricando.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
FRICASSEEfricassee n. Meat or poultry cut into small pieces, stewed or fried and served in its own gravy.
fricassee v. (Transitive, cooking) To cook meat or poultry in this manner.
fricassée n. Alternative spelling of fricassee.
FRICASSEEDfricasseed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fricassee.
FRICASSEE v. to cook as a fricassee.
FRICASSEEINGfricasseeing v. Present participle of fricassee.
FRICASSEE v. to cook as a fricassee.
FRICASSEESfricassees n. Plural of fricassee.
fricassees v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fricassee.
fricassées n. Plural of fricassée.
FRICATIVEfricative n. (Phonetics) Any of several sounds produced by air flowing through a constriction in the oral cavity…
fricative adj. (Phonetics) produced by air flowing through a restriction in the oral cavity.
FRICATIVE n. a sound produced by the forcing of air through a restricted passage, as with 'f'.
FRICATIVESfricatives n. Plural of fricative.
FRICATIVE n. a sound produced by the forcing of air through a restricted passage, as with 'f'.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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