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There are 18 words beginning with FORTH

FORTHforth adv. Forward in time, place or degree.
forth adv. Out into view; from a particular place or position.
forth adv. (Obsolete) Beyond a (certain) boundary; away; abroad; out.
FORTHCAMEforthcame v. Simple past tense of forthcome.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
FORTHCOMEforthcome v. To come forth.
forthcome n. (Obsolete) A coming forth.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
FORTHCOMESforthcomes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forthcome.
FORTHCOME v. (obsolete) to come forth.
FORTHCOMINGforthcoming adj. (Not comparable) Approaching or about to take place.
forthcoming adj. Available when needed; in place, ready.
forthcoming adj. Willing to co-operate or provide information; candid, frank, responsive.
FORTHCOMINGNESSforthcomingness n. The state or quality of being forthcoming.
FORTHCOMINGNESS n. the state of being forthcoming.
FORTHGOINGforthgoing n. A going forth or utterance; a proceeding from or out.
forthgoing adj. Going out or forth; departing.
forthgoing v. Present participle of forthgo.
FORTHGOINGSforthgoings n. Plural of forthgoing.
FORTHGOING n. (obsolete) a going forth.
FORTHINKforthink v. (Transitive, obsolete, impersonal) To cause distress or regret to; cause to regret or repent; to vex.
forthink v. (Reflexive, obsolete) To regret; repent.
forthink v. (Transitive, obsolete) To regret.
FORTHINKINGforthinking v. Present participle of forthink.
FORTHINK v. to repent; to regret.
FORTHINKSforthinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forthink.
FORTHINK v. to repent; to regret.
FORTHOUGHTforthought v. Simple past tense and past participle of forthink.
FORTHINK v. to repent; to regret.
FORTHRIGHTforthright adj. Straightforward; not evasive; candid and direct.
forthright adj. Frank, outspoken.
forthright adj. Markedly simple.
FORTHRIGHTLYforthrightly adv. In a forthright manner.
FORTHRIGHT adv. straightforward.
FORTHRIGHTNESSforthrightness n. The characteristic or quality of being forthright.
FORTHRIGHTNESS n. the state of being forthright.
FORTHRIGHTSforthrights n. Plural of forthright.
FORTHRIGHT n. (Shakespeare) a straight path.
FORTHWITHforthwith adv. (Chiefly formal, literary) Without delay; immediately.
FORTHWITH adv. immediately.
FORTHYforthy adv. (Obsolete) Therefore.
forthy adv. (Obsolete) For this, for this reason; on this account.
forthy conj. Because, for sake, forwhy, since.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 176 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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