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There are 17 words beginning with FLIRT

FLIRTflirt n. A sudden jerk; a quick throw or cast; a darting motion.
flirt n. Someone who flirts a lot or enjoys flirting; a flirtatious person.
flirt n. An act of flirting.
FLIRTATIONflirtation n. Playing at courtship; coquetry.
flirtation n. An instance of flirting.
flirtation n. A period of experimentation with or interest in a particular idea or activity.
FLIRTATIONSflirtations n. Plural of flirtation.
FLIRTATION n. the act of flirting.
FLIRTATIOUSflirtatious adj. Of or pertaining to flirtation.
flirtatious adj. (Of a person) Having a tendency to flirt often.
FLIRTATIOUS adj. given to flirting.
FLIRTATIOUSLYflirtatiously adv. In a flirtatious manner.
FLIRTATIOUS adv. given to flirting.
FLIRTATIOUSNESSflirtatiousness n. The quality of being flirtatious.
FLIRTATIOUS n. given to flirting.
FLIRTEDflirted v. Simple past tense and past participle of flirt.
FLIRT v. to engage in amorous banter.
FLIRTERflirter n. One who flirts.
FLIRTER n. someone who flirts.
FLIRTERSflirters n. Plural of flirter.
FLIRTER n. someone who flirts.
FLIRTIERflirtier adj. Comparative form of flirty: more flirty.
FLIRTY adj. lightheartedly amorous, also FLIRTISH.
FLIRTIESTflirtiest adj. Superlative form of flirty: most flirty.
FLIRTY adj. lightheartedly amorous, also FLIRTISH.
FLIRTINGflirting v. Present participle of flirt.
flirting n. A flirtation.
FLIRTING n. the act of flirting.
FLIRTINGLYflirtingly adv. In a flirting manner.
FLIRTINGSflirtings n. Plural of flirting.
FLIRTING n. the act of flirting.
FLIRTISHflirtish adj. Of the nature of, or characterizing a flirt.
FLIRTISH adj. light-heartedly amorous, also FLIRTY.
FLIRTSflirts n. Plural of flirt.
flirts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flirt.
FLIRT v. to engage in amorous banter.
FLIRTYflirty adj. Flirting, or seeming to flirt.
FLIRTY adj. lightheartedly amorous, also FLIRTISH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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