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There are 12 words beginning with FINIT

FINITEfinite adj. Having an end or limit; (of a quantity) constrained by bounds; (of a set) whose number of elements is…
finite adj. (Grammar, as opposed to infinite or nonfinite) Limited by (i.e. inflected for) person or number.
FINITE adj. limited.
FINITOfinito adj. Finished; over with.
FINITO adj. (Italian) finished.
FINITESFINITE n. a verb limited by person, number, tense or mood.
FINITELYfinitely adv. In a finite manner.
FINITELY adv. to a finite extent.
FINITISMfinitism n. (Mathematics) An extreme form of constructivism, according to which a mathematical object does not exist…
FINITISM n. a philosophical principle that limits mathematical entities to those constructible in a finite number of steps.
FINITISTfinitist n. A proponent of finitism.
finitist adj. Of or relating to finitism.
FINITIST n. an advocate of finitism.
FINITUDEfinitude n. The state or characteristic of being finite; limitedness.
FINITUDE n. the state of being finite.
FINITISMSFINITISM n. a philosophical principle that limits mathematical entities to those constructible in a finite number of steps.
FINITISTSfinitists n. Plural of finitist.
FINITIST n. an advocate of finitism.
FINITUDESfinitudes n. Plural of finitude.
FINITUDE n. the state of being finite.
FINITENESSfiniteness n. The state or quality of being finite.
FINITENESS n. the state of being finite.
FINITENESSESfinitenesses n. Plural of finiteness.
FINITENESS n. the state of being finite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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