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There are 11 words beginning with FINES

FINESfines n. Plural of fine.
fines n. Fine particles, whether or not airborne.
fines n. Small particles of cereal at the bottom of a cereal box.
FINESPUNfinespun adj. Spun into a fine thread.
finespun adj. Delicate and subtle, with fine detail.
fine-spun adj. Alternative form of finespun.
FINESSEfinesse n. (Uncountable) Skill in the handling or manipulation of a situation.
finesse n. (Uncountable) The property of having elegance, grace, refinement, or skill.
finesse n. (Countable) An adroit manoeuvre.
FINESSEDfinessed v. Simple past tense and past participle of finesse.
FINESSE v. to use cunning strategy.
FINESSERfinesser n. One who finesses, or manages something with care or skill.
FINESSER n. one who does something with finesse.
FINESSERSfinessers n. Plural of finesser.
FINESSER n. one who does something with finesse.
FINESSESfinesses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of finesse.
FINESSE v. to use cunning strategy.
FINESSINGfinessing v. Present participle of finesse.
finessing n. The act of handling something with care or skill.
FINESSING n. the act of making a finesse.
FINESSINGSfinessings n. Plural of finessing.
FINESSING n. the act of making a finesse.
FINESTfinest adj. Superlative form of fine: most fine.
finest n. (US, informal, probably controversial) Police officers.
FINEST n. the worthiest citizens of a place.
FINESTSFINEST n. the worthiest citizens of a place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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