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There are 20 words beginning with FROT

FROTHfroth n. Foam.
froth n. (Figuratively) unimportant or insubstantial talk, events, or actions; drivel.
froth n. The idle rich…
FROTHSfroths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of froth.
FROTH v. to foam.
FROTHYfrothy adj. Foamy or churned to the point of becoming infused with bubbles.
frothy adj. (Figurative) lightweight; lacking depth or substance.
frothy adj. (Business) Highly speculative; having high risk and high return.
FROTHEDfrothed v. Simple past tense and past participle of froth.
FROTH v. to foam.
FROTHERfrother v. (Dialectal) To comfort.
frother v. (Dialectal) To feed.
frother n. A machine that generates froth.
FROTHERSfrothers n. Plural of frother.
FROTHER n. one who froths.
FROTHERYfrothery n. Something lightweight or insubstantial; froth; drivel.
FROTHERY n. mere froth.
FROTHIERfrothier adj. Comparative form of frothy: more frothy.
FROTHY adj. covered with froth.
FROTHILYfrothily adv. In a frothy way.
FROTHY adv. covered with froth.
FROTHINGfrothing v. Present participle of froth.
frothing n. The act of something that froths.
FROTHING n. the act of making a froth.
FROTTAGEfrottage v. To rub, especially to rub onto one surface placed upon another surface that is textured, in order to…
frottage v. (Sexology) To rub parts of the body against those of another person for sexual stimulation.
frottage n. (Uncountable, art) A method of making an image by placing a piece of paper against an object and then…
FROTTEURfrotteur n. One who commits an act of frotteurism.
FROTTEUR n. (French) the active participant in frottage, in the sexual sense.
FROTHIESTfrothiest adj. Superlative form of frothy: most frothy.
FROTHY adj. covered with froth.
FROTHINGSfrothings n. Plural of frothing.
FROTHING n. the act of making a froth.
FROTHLESSfrothless adj. Without froth.
FROTHLESS adj. without froth.
FROTTAGESfrottages n. Plural of frottage.
FROTTAGE n. (French) masturbation by rubbing against another person.
FROTTEURSfrotteurs n. Plural of frotteur.
FROTTEUR n. (French) the active participant in frottage, in the sexual sense.
FROTHERIESfrotheries n. Plural of frothery.
FROTHERY n. mere froth.
FROTHINESSfrothiness n. The quality of being frothy.
FROTHINESS n. the state of being frothy.
FROTHINESSESFROTHINESS n. the state of being frothy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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