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There are 16 eight-letter words beginning with FORM

FORMABLEformable adj. Able to be formed.
FORMABLE adj. able to be formed.
FORMABLYFORMABLE adv. able to be formed.
FORMALINformalin n. A solution of formaldehyde in water; used as a disinfectant and to preserve biological specimens.
FORMALIN n. an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, used as a disinfectant, preservative for biological specimens, etc., also FORMALINE.
FORMALLYformally adv. In a formal manner.
formally adv. In accordance with official procedure.
formally adv. In accordance with rigorous rules.
FORMANTSformants n. Plural of formant.
FORMANT n. (German) a component of a speech sound.
FORMATEDformated v. Simple past tense and past participle of formate.
formated v. Misspelling of formatted.
FORMATE v. to fly in formation.
FORMATESformates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of formate.
FORMATE v. to fly in formation.
FORMERLYformerly adv. At some time in the past.
formerly adv. Previously; once.
FORMERLY adv. previously.
FORMIATEFORMIATE n. a salt of formic acid.
FORMICASformicas n. Plural of formica.
FORMICA n. any of various laminated products used especially for surface finish.
FORMINGSformings n. Plural of forming.
FORMING n. the process of forming.
FORMLESSformless adj. Without form; shapeless.
formless adj. (Not comparable) Without the use of forms or templates.
FORMLESS adj. lacking structure.
FORMULAEformulae n. Plural of formula.
formulæ n. (Obsolete or archaic) plural of formula.
FORMULA n. (Latin) a prescribed or set form.
FORMULARformular adj. Following or relating to a formula; formulaic.
FORMULAR n. a model or set form.
FORMULASformulas n. Plural of formula.
FORMULA n. (Latin) a prescribed or set form.
FORMWORKformwork n. (Construction) A temporary mold, made from planks, into which concrete is poured.
FORMWORK n. boxes for holding setting concrete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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