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There are 8 eight-letter words beginning with FLAG

FLAGELLAflagella n. Plural of flagellum.
FLAGELLUM n. (Latin) a long slender plant shoot.
FLAGGERSflaggers n. Plural of flagger.
FLAGGER n. a person who carries a flag before a traction-engine to warn of its approach.
FLAGGIERflaggier adj. Comparative form of flaggy: more flaggy.
FLAGGY adj. drooping.
FLAGGINGflagging v. Present participle of flag.
flagging adj. Becoming tired or less dynamic; declining in strength; dwindling.
flagging n. A pavement or sidewalk of flagstones; flagstones, collectively.
FLAGLESSflagless adj. Without a flag.
FLAGLESS adj. without a flag.
FLAGPOLEflagpole n. A tall pole up which one or more flags may be raised and flown.
flagpole v. (Canada, rare) Exit a country momentarily and reenter. Usually this is done to satisfy immigration requirements.
flag␣pole n. Alternative spelling of flagpole.
FLAGRANTflagrant adj. Obvious and offensive; blatant; scandalous.
flagrant adj. (Archaic) On fire; flaming.
flagrant adj. (Obsolete) Misspelling of fragrant.
FLAGSHIPflagship n. (Nautical, military) The ship occupied by the fleet’s commander (usually an admiral); it denotes this…
flagship n. (Nautical) The ship regarded as most important out of a group, e.g. a nation’s navy or company’s fleet.
flagship n. (By extension, often attributive) The most important one out of a related group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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