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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 12 eight-letter words beginning with FASC

FASCIATEfasciate v. (Transitive) To bind.
fasciate v. To apply fascia.
fasciate adj. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage.
FASCICLEfascicle n. A bundle or cluster.
fascicle n. (Anatomy) A bundle of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by connective tissue.
fascicle n. (Botany) A cluster of flowers or leaves, such as the bundles of the thin leaves (or needles) of pines.
FASCINESfascines n. Plural of fascine.
FASCINE n. a long faggot used for engineering purposes.
FASCIOLAfasciola n. (Anatomy) A band of grey matter bordering the fimbria in the brain; the dentate convolution.
Fasciola prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fasciolidae – certain parasitic trematodes.
FASCIOLA n. (Latin) a band of colour, also FASCIOLE.
FASCIOLEfasciole n. (Zoology) A band of minute tubercles, bearing modified spines, on the shells of spatangoid sea urchins.
FASCIOLE n. (Latin) a band of colour, also FASCIOLA.
FASCISMIFASCISMO n. (Italian) an oppressive form of government, also FASCISM.
FASCISMOFASCISMO n. (Italian) an oppressive form of government, also FASCISM.
FASCISMSfascisms n. Plural of fascism.
FASCISM n. an oppressive form of government, also FASCISMO.
FASCISTAFASCISTA n. (Italian) a supporter of fascism, also FASCIST.
FASCISTIFASCISTA n. (Italian) a supporter of fascism, also FASCIST.
FASCISTSfascists n. Plural of fascist.
Fascists n. Plural of Fascist.
FASCIST n. a supporter of fascism, also FASCISTA.
FASCITISfascitis n. Alternative form of fasciitis.
FASCITIS n. inflammation of a connective tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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