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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with FACE

FACEABLEfaceable adj. Capable of being faced (in various senses).
FACEABLE adj. able to be faced.
FACEBARSFACEBAR n. a wrestling hold pulling on the opponent's facial skin.
FACEBOOKfacebook n. A reference book or electronic directory made up of individuals’ photographs and names.
facebook n. A college publication distributed at the start of the academic year by university administrations with…
facebook v. Alternative form of Facebook.
FACEDOWNfacedown adv. Alternative form of face-down.
facedown n. Alternative form of face-down (“a confrontation”).
face-down adv. (Of a person or object) In a manner such that the face, front, or surface which is normally directed…
FACELESSfaceless adj. Having no face.
faceless adj. Having or revealing no individual identity or character; anonymous.
faceless adj. Having or revealing no individuality, personality or distinctive characteristics.
FACELIFTfacelift n. Plastic surgery to the face to remove wrinkles, fat or various signs of aging.
facelift n. (By extension) Any activity undertaken to renew, revamp, update, or improve the appearance of something.
facelift v. To perform a facelift upon.
FACEMAILfacemail n. (Computing, technology) Face-to-face communication, as opposed to other non-personal forms of communication.
facemail v. To engage in face-to-face conversation.
facemail v. To send a facemail.
FACEMASKfacemask n. A covering used to protect or disguise the face.
facemask n. A facial mask (cosmetic application).
facemask n. (American football, Canadian football) The part of the helmet that directly covers the face, made of…
FACEOFFSfaceoffs n. Plural of faceoff.
face-offs n. Plural of face-off.
face␣offs n. Plural of face off.
FACEPALMfacepalm n. A gesture of bringing one or both palms to the face, with various interpretations.
facepalm v. To bring the palm of one’s hand to one’s face as an expression of mixed humor and disbelief, disgust…
facepalm v. To bring one’s face down to one’s cupped hand or hands.
FACETELYfacetely adv. (Obsolete) Wittily, pleasantly.
FACETE adv. (archaic) facetious.
FACETIAEfacetiae n. (Rare) Witty or amusing writings or remarks.
facetiae n. (Archaic, euphemistic) Indecent books.
FACETIAE n. (Latin) witty sayings or writings.
FACETIMEfacetime n. Alternative form of face time.
facetime v. Alternative letter-case form of FaceTime.
FaceTime prop.n. A videotelephony software developed by Apple Inc., introduced in 2010.
FACETINGfaceting v. Present participle of facet.
faceting n. An arrangement into facets.
FACETING n. the act of cutting into facets.
FACETTEDfacetted adj. Having facets.
facetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of facet.
FACET v. to cut small plane surfaces on.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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