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There are 20 seven-letter words beginning with FUL

FULCRUMfulcrum n. (Mechanics) The support about which a lever pivots.
fulcrum n. (Figurative) A crux or pivot; a central point.
Fulcrum prop.n. (Military) NATO code name for the Soviet MiG-29 aircraft.
FULFILLfulfill v. To satisfy, carry out, bring to completion (An obligation, a requirement, etc.).
fulfill v. To emotionally or artistically satisfy; to develop one’s gifts to the fullest.
fulfill v. To obey, follow, comply with (A rule, requirement etc.).
FULFILSfulfils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fulfil.
FULFIL v. to bring about the accomplishment of, also FULFILL.
FULGENTfulgent adj. Shining brilliantly; radiant.
FULGENT adj. shining brightly, also FULGID.
FULGORSfulgors n. Plural of fulgor.
FULGOR n. splendour, also FULGOUR.
FULGOURfulgour n. Obsolete form of fulgor.
FULGOUR n. splendour, also FULGOR.
FULHAMSfulhams n. Plural of fulham.
FULHAM n. a loaded die, also FULLAM, FULLAN.
FULLAGEfullage n. The fulling or cleansing cloth.
fullage n. The fee paid for such a service.
FULLAGE n. a charge for fulling cloth.
FULLAMSfullams n. Plural of fullam.
Fullams prop.n. Plural of Fullam.
FULLAM n. a loaded die, also FULHAM, FULLAN.
FULLANSFULLAN n. a loaded die, also FULHAM, FULLAM.
FULLERSfullers n. Plural of fuller.
FULLER v. to groove with a type of hammer.
FULLERYfullery n. A place built for the process of fulling wool in cloth-making. Usually refers to a period in history…
fullery n. A workshop for cleaning clothes, particularly in Ancient Roman times.
FULLERY n. a place for fulling cloth.
FULLESTfullest adj. Superlative form of full: most full.
fullest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of full.
FULL adj. filled completely.
FULLINGfulling n. Baptism.
fulling v. Present participle of full: To make cloth denser and firmer.
FULL v. to shrink and thicken, as cloth.
FULLISHfullish adj. Somewhat full; reasonably full, quite full.
FULLISH adj. somewhat full.
FULMARSfulmars n. Plural of fulmar.
FULMAR n. (Old Norse) an arctic seabird.
FULMINEfulmine v. (Archaic) To thunder or lightning.
fulmine v. (Archaic, figurative) To utter with authority or vehemence; fulminate.
FULMINE v. (Spenser) to explode loudly.
FULNESSfulness n. Dated form of fullness.
FULNESS n. the state of being full, also FULLNESS.
FULSOMEfulsome adj. Offensive to good taste, tactless, overzealous, excessive.
fulsome adj. Excessively flattering (connoting insincerity).
fulsome adj. Marked by fullness; abundant, copious.
FULVOUSfulvous adj. Tawny-coloured.
FULVOUS adj. dull yellow, also FULVID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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