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There are 10 six-letter words beginning with FET

FETIALfetial n. (Ancient Rome, politics, religion, historical) A member of the Roman college of priests who acted as…
fetial adj. Of or relating to a fetial (member of the Roman college of priests who acted as representatives in disputes…
fetial adj. Concerned with declarations of war and treaties of peace.
FETICHfetich n. Dated form of fetish.
FETICH n. a fixation, also FETISH, FETICHE.
FETINGfeting v. Present participle of fete.
fêting v. Present participle of fête.
FETE v. (French) to honour with festivities.
FETISHfetish n. Something which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers; an amulet or a talisman.
fetish n. Sexual attraction to or arousal at something abnormally sexual or nonsexual, such as an object or a…
fetish n. An irrational, or abnormal fixation or preoccupation; an obsession.
FETORSfetors n. Plural of fetor.
FETOR n. (Latin) a stench, also FOETOR.
FETTASFETTA n. (Modern Greek) a crumbly white cheese, also FETA.
FETTEDFETT v. (obsolete) to fetch, also FET.
FETTERfetter n. A chain or similar object used to bind a person or animal – often by its legs (usually in plural).
fetter n. (Figurative) Anything that restricts or restrains.
fetter v. (Transitive) To shackle or bind up with fetters.
FETTLEfettle n. A state of proper physical condition; kilter or trim.
fettle n. One’s mental state; spirits.
fettle n. Sand used to line a furnace.
FETWASfetwas n. Plural of fetwa.
FETWA n. (Arabic) an Islamic religious decree, also FATWA, FATWAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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