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There are 18 five-letter words beginning with FLU

FLUBSflubs n. Plural of flub.
flubs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flub.
FLUB v. to bungle, botch.
FLUEDflued adj. Having a flue or flues (of a specified kind).
FLUED adj. having a flue.
FLUESflues n. Plural of flue.
flues n. (Obsolete) Bits of down.
FLUE n. a smoke-duct in a chimney.
FLUEYfluey adj. Downy; fluffy.
fluey adj. As if suffering from influenza.
FLUEY adj. infected with the flu.
FLUFFfluff n. Anything light, soft or fuzzy, especially fur, hair, feathers.
fluff n. Anything inconsequential or superficial.
fluff n. (Informal) A lapse or mistake, especially a mistake in an actor’s lines.
FLUIDfluid n. Any substance which can flow with relative ease, tends to assume the shape of its container, and obeys…
fluid n. A liquid (as opposed to a solid or gas).
fluid n. (Specifically, medicine, colloquial, typically in the plural) Intravenous fluids.
FLUKEfluke n. A lucky or improbable occurrence, with the implication that the occurrence could not be repeated.
fluke v. To obtain a successful outcome by pure chance.
fluke v. (Snooker) To fortuitously pot a ball in an unintended way.
FLUKYfluky adj. Alternative spelling of flukey.
FLUKY adj. lucky, by accidental success, also FLUKEY.
FLUMEflume n. A ravine or gorge, usually one with water running through.
flume n. An open channel or trough used to direct or divert liquids.
flume v. (Transitive) To transport (logs of wood) by floating them along a water-filled channel or trough.
FLUMPflump v. (Intransitive) To move or fall heavily, or with a dull sound.
flump v. (Transitive) To drop something heavily or with a dull sound.
flump n. The dull sound so produced.
FLUNGflung v. Simple past tense and past participle of fling.
FLING v. to throw with force.
FLUNKflunk v. (US, transitive, intransitive) Of a student, to fail a class; to not pass.
flunk v. (US, transitive) Of a teacher, to deny a student a passing grade.
flunk v. (US, dated, informal) To shirk (a task or duty).
FLUORfluor n. (Dated) The mineral fluorite.
fluor n. (Obsolete) A flow or flux.
fluor n. (Obsolete, in the plural) Menstrual periods.
FLURRflurr v. (Transitive) To scatter.
flurr v. (Intransitive) To fly up.
FLURR v. to scatter.
FLUSHflush n. A group of birds that have suddenly started up from undergrowth, trees, etc.
flush v. (Transitive) To cause to take flight from concealment.
flush v. (Intransitive) To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover.
FLUTEflute n. A woodwind instrument consisting of a tube with a row of holes that produce sound through vibrations…
flute n. (Colloquial) A recorder, also a woodwind instrument.
flute n. A glass with a long, narrow bowl and a long stem, used for drinking wine, especially champagne.
FLUTYfluty adj. Resembling the sound of a flute.
Fluty prop.n. A surname.
FLUTY adj. resembling a flute in sound, also FLUTEY.
FLUYTfluyt n. (Historical) A kind of Dutch sailing vessel developed in the 16th century, used to transport cargo.
FLUYT n. (Dutch) a small 17th century merchant ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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