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There are 15 ten-letter words beginning with FIS

FISCALISTSfiscalists n. Plural of fiscalist.
FISCALIST n. a public prosecutor.
FISHBURGERfishburger n. A burger made with fish instead of beef.
FISHBURGER n. a hamburger made with fish.
FISHERFOLKfisherfolk n. People who fish for a living.
fisherfolk n. (Anthropology) Members of a culture that is dominated by fishing.
fisherfolk n. Recreational fishers.
FISHFINGERfishfinger n. Alternative form of fish finger.
fish␣finger n. (Chiefly UK) A rectangular stick of processed fish coated in breadcrumbs that is cooked by frying or grilling.
FISHFINGER n. an oblong piece of filleted or minced fish coated in breadcrumbs.
FISHIFYINGfishifying v. Present participle of fishify.
FISHIFY v. (Shakespeare) to turn into fish.
FISHMONGERfishmonger n. (Britain) A person who sells fish.
fishmonger n. (Britain, rare) A fishmonger’s, a fishmonger’s shop: a shop that sells fish.
fishmonger n. (Archaic) A pimp.
FISHPLATESfishplates n. Plural of fishplate.
FISHPLATE n. an iron plate used to join railway lines.
FISHTAILEDfishtailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fishtail.
FISHTAIL v. to swing the tail of a moving vehicle from side to side.
FISHWIFELYfishwifely adj. (Derogatory) Befitting a fishwife; vulgar and raucous.
FISHWIFELY adj. like a fishwife, vituperative.
FISHYBACKSFISHYBACK n. (US) transportation of freight containers and trailers by ship or barge.
FISSIONINGfissioning n. The act of splitting into two separate parts.
fissioning v. Present participle of fission.
FISSION v. to split into parts.
FISSIPEDALfissipedal adj. (Zoology) Being or relating to a fissiped.
FISSIPEDAL adj. having toes that are separated from one another, as dogs, cats, bears, and similar carnivores.
FISSIPEDESfissipedes n. Plural of fissipede.
FISSIPEDE n. a fissipede animal, also FISSIPED.
FISTFIGHTSfistfights n. Plural of fistfight.
fistfights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fistfight.
fist-fights n. Plural of fist-fight.
FISTICUFFSfisticuffs n. Plural of fisticuff.
fisticuffs n. (Plural only, informal) An impromptu fight with the fists, usually between only two people.
fisticuffs n. (Plural only, sports, dated) Bare-knuckled boxing, a form of boxing done without boxing gloves or similar padding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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