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There are 10 three-letter words beginning with FI

FIBfib n. (Informal) A lie, especially one that is more or less inconsequential.
fib n. (Informal, rare) A liar.
fib v. (Informal, intransitive) To lie, especially more or less inconsequentially.
FIDfid n. (Nautical) A pointed tool without any sharp edges, used in weaving or knotwork to tighten and form up…
fid n. (Nautical) A square bar of wood or iron, with a shoulder at one end, to support the weight of the topmast (on a ship).
fid n. A plug of oakum for the vent of a gun.
FIEfie interj. (Archaic) Often followed by on or upon: used to express distaste, disgust, or outrage.
FIE adj. whimsical, fey.
FIGfig n. A fruit-bearing tree or shrub of the genus Ficus that is native mainly to the tropics.
fig n. The fruit of the fig tree, pear-shaped and containing many small seeds.
fig n. A small piece of tobacco.
FILfil n. A Nordic dairy product, similar to yogurt, but using different bacteria which give a different taste and texture.
fil n. (Chess) Alternative form of alfil.
fil sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Filipino.
FINfin n. (Ichthyology) One of the appendages of a fish, used to propel itself and to manoeuvre/maneuver.
fin n. A similar appendage of a cetacean or other marine animal.
fin n. A thin, rigid component of an aircraft, extending from the fuselage and used to stabilise and steer the aircraft.
FIRfir n. (Chiefly countable) A conifer of the genus Abies.
fir n. (Chiefly countable) Any pinaceous conifer of related genera, especially a Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga)…
fir n. (Uncountable) Wood of such trees.
FITfit adj. Suitable, proper.
fit adj. Adapted to a purpose or environment.
fit adj. In good shape; physically well.
FIXfix v. (Transitive, obsolete) To pierce; now generally replaced by transfix.
fix v. (Transitive) To attach; to affix; to hold in place or at a particular time.
fix v. (Transitive) To mend, to repair.
FIZfiz v. Archaic form of fizz.
fiz n. Archaic form of fizz.
FIZ n. (Malaysia, economics, geography) Abbreviation of free industrial zone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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