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There are 12 words beginning with ELECTOR

ELECTORelector n. (Politics) A person eligible to vote in an election; a member of an electorate, a voter.
Elector n. (Historical) A German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; a prince-elector.
ELECTOR n. one that elects.
ELECTORALelectoral adj. Relating to or composed of electors.
electoral adj. Of, or relating to elections.
ELECTORAL adj. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORIAL.
ELECTORALLYelectorally adv. In an electoral manner.
electorally adv. With regard to elections.
ELECTORAL adv. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORIAL.
ELECTORATEelectorate n. The collective people of a country, state, or electoral district who are entitled to vote.
electorate n. (Historical) The office, or area of dominion, of an Elector (“a German prince entitled to elect the…
electorate n. (Chiefly Australia, New Zealand) A geographical area represented by one or more elected officials; a…
ELECTORATESelectorates n. Plural of electorate.
ELECTORATE n. the territory, jurisdiction, or dignity of a German elector.
ELECTORESSelectoress n. Alternative form of electress.
ELECTORESS n. the wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire, also ELECTRESS.
ELECTORESSESelectoresses n. Plural of electoress.
ELECTORESS n. the wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire, also ELECTRESS.
ELECTORIALelectorial adj. Electoral.
ELECTORIAL adj. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORAL.
ELECTORIALLYELECTORIAL adv. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORAL.
ELECTORSelectors n. Plural of elector.
Electors n. Plural of Elector.
ELECTOR n. one that elects.
ELECTORSHIPelectorship n. The position or term of an elector.
Electorship n. The position or rule of an Elector.
Electorship n. The realm of an Elector.
ELECTORSHIPSelectorships n. Plural of electorship.
Electorships n. Plural of Electorship.
ELECTORSHIP n. the electorate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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