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There are 8 words beginning with ENGRAM

ENGRAMengram n. A postulated physical or biochemical change in neural tissue that represents a memory.
engram n. (Scientology) A painful, negative mental image representing a past event.
Engram prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name, a rare variant of Ingram.
ENGRAMMAEngramma prop.n. Synonym of Technomyrmex (“ant genus”).
ENGRAMMA n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAM, ENGRAMME.
ENGRAMMASENGRAMMA n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAM, ENGRAMME.
ENGRAMMATICengrammatic adj. Relating to engrams.
ENGRAMMATIC adj. relating to an engram.
ENGRAMMEengramme n. Alternative form of engram.
ENGRAMME n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAM, ENGRAMMA.
ENGRAMMESengrammes n. Plural of engramme.
ENGRAMME n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAM, ENGRAMMA.
ENGRAMMICengrammic adj. Relating to engrams.
ENGRAMMIC adj. related to an engram, a hypothetical change in neural tissue due to memory, also ENGRAMMATIC.
ENGRAMSengrams n. Plural of engram.
ENGRAM n. a deep-seated psychological impression, also ENGRAMMA, ENGRAMME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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