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There are 13 words beginning with ESTIM

ESTIMABLEestimable adj. Worthy of esteem; admirable.
estimable adj. (Archaic) Valuable.
estimable adj. Capable of being estimated; estimatable.
ESTIMABLENESSestimableness n. The quality of deserving esteem or regard.
ESTIMABLENESS n. the state of being estimable.
ESTIMABLENESSESESTIMABLENESS n. the state of being estimable.
ESTIMABLYestimably adv. In an estimable manner; deserving of esteem.
ESTIMABLE adv. worthy of regard.
ESTIMATEestimate n. A rough calculation or assessment of the value, size, or cost of something.
estimate n. (Construction and business) A document (or verbal notification) specifying how much a job is likely to cost.
estimate n. An upper limitation on some positive quantity.
ESTIMATEDestimated v. Simple past tense and past participle of estimate.
ESTIMATE v. to calculate.
ESTIMATESestimates n. Plural of estimate.
ESTIMATE v. to calculate.
ESTIMATINGestimating v. Present participle of estimate.
ESTIMATE v. to calculate.
ESTIMATIONestimation n. The process of making an estimate.
estimation n. The amount, extent, position, size, or value reached in an estimate.
estimation n. Esteem or favourable regard.
ESTIMATIONSestimations n. Plural of estimation.
ESTIMATION n. the act of estimating.
ESTIMATIVEestimative adj. Of or pertaining to an estimate or to estimation.
ESTIMATIVE adj. inclined, or able, to estimate.
ESTIMATORestimator n. A person who estimates, especially one who estimates costs.
estimator n. (Mathematics) A function of a random sample of a population used to estimate some parameter of the whole population.
ESTIMATOR n. one who estimates or values.
ESTIMATORSestimators n. Plural of estimator.
ESTIMATOR n. one who estimates or values.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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