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There are 9 words beginning with ERRAN

ERRANDerrand n. A journey undertaken to accomplish some task.
errand n. The purpose of such a journey.
errand n. An oral message trusted to a person for delivery.
ERRANTerrant adj. Straying from the proper course or standard, or outside established limits.
errant adj. Roving around; wandering.
errant adj. Prone to making errors; misbehaving.
ERRANCYerrancy n. The state of being in error; fallibility.
errancy n. Holding the view that the Pope is not infallible.
ERRANCY n. an instance of erring.
ERRANDSerrands n. Plural of errand.
errands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of errand.
ERRAND n. a message or mission.
ERRANTSerrants n. Plural of errant.
ERRANT n. a knight errant, a person who is errant.
ERRANTLYerrantly adv. In an errant manner.
ERRANT adv. wandering.
ERRANTRYerrantry n. A wandering or roving around, especially in search of chivalrous adventure.
ERRANTRY n. roaming around, looking for adventure.
ERRANCIESerrancies n. Plural of errancy.
ERRANCY n. an instance of erring.
ERRANTRIESerrantries n. Plural of errantry.
ERRANTRY n. roaming around, looking for adventure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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