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There are 12 words beginning with ENUME

ENUMERABILITIESenumerabilities n. Plural of enumerability.
ENUMERABILITY n. the state of being enumerable.
ENUMERABILITYenumerability n. The condition of being enumerable.
ENUMERABILITY n. the state of being enumerable.
ENUMERABLEenumerable adj. Capable of being enumerated; countable.
ENUMERABLE adj. that can be counted.
ENUMERATEenumerate v. To specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order.
enumerate v. To determine the amount of.
ENUMERATE v. to count, also NUMERATE.
ENUMERATEDenumerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of enumerate.
ENUMERATE v. to count, also NUMERATE.
ENUMERATESenumerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enumerate.
ENUMERATE v. to count, also NUMERATE.
ENUMERATINGenumerating v. Present participle of enumerate.
ENUMERATE v. to count, also NUMERATE.
ENUMERATIONenumeration n. The act of enumerating, making separate mention, or recounting.
enumeration n. A detailed account, in which each thing is specially noticed.
enumeration n. A recapitulation, in the peroration, of the heads of an argument.
ENUMERATIONSenumerations n. Plural of enumeration.
ENUMERATION n. the act of enumerating.
ENUMERATIVEenumerative adj. Of, pertaining to or based on enumeration.
ENUMERATIVE adj. serving to enumerate.
ENUMERATORenumerator n. A person who, or a thing that enumerates; a counter or iterator.
enumerator n. A census taker.
ENUMERATOR n. one that enumerates.
ENUMERATORSenumerators n. Plural of enumerator.
ENUMERATOR n. one that enumerates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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