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There are 17 words beginning with ENNEA

ENNEADennead n. (Obsolete) The number nine.
ennead n. (Rare) Any grouping or system containing nine objects.
Ennead prop.n. (Egyptian mythology) The collection of nine gods worshipped at Heliopolis and taking part in the Heliopolitan…
ENNEADICenneadic adj. Of, relating to, or being an ennead.
ENNEADIC adj. relating to an ennead, a set of nine.
ENNEADSenneads n. Plural of ennead.
Enneads n. Plural of Ennead.
ENNEAD n. (Greek) a group of nine.
ENNEAGONenneagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with nine sides; a nonagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
ENNEAGONALenneagonal adj. (Geometry) In the form of an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGONAL adj. belonging to an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGONSenneagons n. Plural of enneagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
ENNEAGRAMenneagram n. (Mathematics) A nine-pointed stellate polygon.
enneagram n. (Psychology) Such a figure used to indicate nine personality traits of a subject.
ENNEAGRAM n. a personality system involving nine distinct personality types.
ENNEAGRAMSenneagrams n. Plural of enneagram.
ENNEAGRAM n. a personality system involving nine distinct personality types.
ENNEAHEDRAenneahedra n. Plural of enneahedron.
ENNEAHEDRON n. a nine-sided solid figure.
ENNEAHEDRALenneahedral adj. (Geometry) Having nine sides.
ENNEAHEDRAL adj. of or like an enneahedron, a nine-sided solid figure.
ENNEAHEDRONenneahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron with nine faces.
ENNEAHEDRON n. a nine-sided solid figure.
ENNEAHEDRONSENNEAHEDRON n. a nine-sided solid figure.
ENNEANDRIANENNEANDRIAN adj. of the class Enneandria, having nine stamens, also ENNEANDROUS.
ENNEANDROUSenneandrous adj. (Botany) Having nine stamens.
ENNEANDROUS adj. of the class Enneandria, having nine stamens, also ENNEANDRIAN.
ENNEASTYLEenneastyle adj. (Architecture, of a Classical temple or other structure) Having nine columns.
ENNEASTYLE adj. having nine columns.
ENNEATHLONENNEATHLON n. an athletic contest in which each athlete competes in nine events.
ENNEATHLONSENNEATHLON n. an athletic contest in which each athlete competes in nine events.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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